Tuesday, October 14, 2008

space exploration


kanel 8th grade page said...

hey Ryen! First of all I wanted to tell you that you did a great job with your poster. Then I also learned about space station. I never knew what a space station is but now I do and it is an artificial satellite. I was also found out that you can reuse a space shuttle, which was the most interesting because it would be hard to find the peaces of the shuttle that spread out into space. Finally I was impressed that if a space probe breaks you wont be able to fix it.

Anonymous said...

Something that surprised and that I found unfortunate was that if a probe breaks, you can't fix it. That was of course obvious because it is in space.
The fact that space shuttles are reusable was interesting and hopeful.
Something that I learned was, and also quite obvious just never really thought through, probes don't carry humans.

Riley said...

hey! Something a learned was that space shuttles are great because they are reusable and land like an airplane, I was surprised how much probes can do without it being a human. I found that very interesting!! Riley