Thursday, April 30, 2009

Were dose Colorado Springs water come from

where does Colorado springs water come from?
75% of water that supplys Colorado springs is snow melt coming down in streams and rivers to the turquoise lake then goes through ortero pipeline making its way to homesteak pipeline then going to the water treatment plant then to the citizens. the other 25% comes from surface and groundwater such as these examples of are surface and ground water

Surface Water

* Pikes Peak Northern and Southern Slopes
* Cheyenne Creeks
* Fountain Creek
* Peakview Reservoir in Monument
* Northfield Watershed

Ground Water

* Arapahoe (4 wells)
* Denver (1 well)
* Laramie-Fox Hills (1 well)
* Widefield (4 wells

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

the active art post

water is a process in which water moves through earths cycle.Also in this water cycle dose not have an end it just keeps going and going.Well it starts as a puddle and then it evaporates it to the air and causes clouds and starts raining and when it hits the ground it is run off and ground water.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Q.what environmental effects dose the garbage patch have on earth.
A.well this is caused by the pollution of people into the sea or around the sea were the wind can blow the garbage into the ocean and makes this garbage patch larger every day.
Q.What conclusions did you come to? What do you recommend average citizens do to make a difference? Be specific. This is the main part of your assignment.
A.the convolution that I have come to is that if people don't pay attestation to the garbage patch then it will grow till there is no more ocean or Marine life.
Q.What would happen if, worst-case scenario, nobody listened to your recommendations?
A.If nobody listened to my recommendations then nothing about the garbage patch would change and the garbage will just keep piling up.
Q.What would happen if, best-case scenario, everybody listened to your recommendations?
A.If everyone listened then the garbage patch would start to slowly but shurly disappear but it would take a long time to get rid of this huge patch of garbage.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

penny project

In this project you put droplets of water on a penny until the water flowed over the penny.My guess was 34 but it ended up to be 39 so I was close.