Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Atmosphere

Click above to view my post.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Ozone

The ozone is very protective to us people on earth .It protects us buy stopping UV rays from getting to us. If the ozone keeps decreasing in size more people will get skin cancer so our population will decrease.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Acid rain

Acid rain is 1 type of pollution on earth in contains more acid than regular rain. The issue is that acid rain is damaging our forests and our lakes.Also acid rain makes it so plants, amphibians , fish ,and insects they cant live. A solution to the aid rain problem is to not burn coal as often also we could start doing out door things more than waching tv and burning coal

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The atmosphere

The earths atmosphere is very different from the moon which dose not have one.The atmosphere is very important to us on earth.It makes sure that craters don't hit us and so we don't end up looking like the moon. Now the moon does not have an atmosphere so every crater that hits it leaves a hole fore about 4 trillion years.there you go that is how our atmosphere is important to us .

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

blog post

NASA has used rockets to send probes into space. They consist of three stages atlas, centaur, and payload. The atlas stage uses fuel boosters the centaur stage uses liquid fuel engines and the payload releases from one another.NASA started in 1958 and immediately started with human flight. Project Mercury sent one astronaut into space.

Friday, September 19, 2008

factors that cause seasons

The seasons are based on were the earth is tilted.If the eath is tilted to the north then it is summer in the north.If the earth is pointes tward the south then it is summer in the south.So were the sun is pointed at is were it is warmer.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Get a Voki now!


Well the book zoom is about zooming out of the world. The book startes in a catlog with a rooster. Then ending in space with a small dot (earth) .So I think it showing us what we dont relize.

I think I am seeing some thing acriotly some times .Like when you go to the musume you point some thing out and the guide will start blabbing .You just thought it was cool and just want to look at it nothing else .

I'm sure there many scientist instred in this book.Diffrent perspectiv can be useful from looking at the human body to studdying the solar system.Like a doctor needs a close prospective . Haveing a brod prospective is important to astronats.

Enigma Post

scientist use skillls to note the enigma box. such as observtion to observe what the box is doing.Also predict is what u do be for the water is put in the box.

There was 100 ml poored at a time into the box. The water did not start flowing for a wie but it was dripping befor that.I saw 2 holes on the top of the box so maby one hole was filled with air and alll the air is gone the water will poor.

The box is big and black just for a slite discription. Water gets poored in the box.the box was dripping till it hit 407 ml then it poored ot of the box.

So over all there is a tube that is in a loop. The water does not poor till the water goes over the top of the loop. So it is a pressur system.