Friday, May 15, 2009

Weather and climate

Cloud formation is really pretty fascinating when you think about it. It was interesting how the cloud forms because of what happens on the ground. the ground heats up, the air gets warm and starts to rise. It keeps rising to the point that it cools down. The cloud forms at the dew point and starts to collect water. Ice crystals for in the cloud.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Weathering and Erosion

Well my favorite activity in weathering and erosion is the atmosphere project. because i learned a lot of things that are interesting.Like the atmosphere is mostly filled with nitrogen about 78% and only 21%oxygen and last but not least 1% trace gases.Also scientist say the temp. will go up 6 to 7 degrees in the next one hundred years.

Earth's watres-three gorges dam

The three gorges dam was the coolest protect in earths water because I learned quite a few things that I hadn't known.Like that you can see this dam from space I thought that was cool.Another thing is that they took out a hole city to make this dam so a bunch of people lost there homes.Also that the 3 gorges dam can provide enough energy to supply 3 Las Vegas towns with energy.

astronmy-the moon

I thought the protect that i did on the moon was the funnest because i learned a lot of things that i didn't no about the moon.Like the moon has so many craters because it doesn't have a atmosphere so metros hit it all the time.also the theory that the moon was formed by a planet sized object collided with the earth which caused the moon.Another thing was that i learned how a solar eclipse was formed it is formed when the sun and moon line up perfectly.That is my favorite subject in astronomy.


My favorite section tin geology was volcanoes because they shoot out the coolest looking liquid but also one of the most dangerous.Also i think is is kind of weird how the volcano shoots out chunks of lava but i think the smooth running lava is awesome.The smooth lava is the coolest looking when it cools because it is shiny and as light as a feather.Also usually the different types of volcano's depend on what kind of lava comes out.All in all volcano's were my favorite because they are so interesting.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Were dose Colorado Springs water come from

where does Colorado springs water come from?
75% of water that supplys Colorado springs is snow melt coming down in streams and rivers to the turquoise lake then goes through ortero pipeline making its way to homesteak pipeline then going to the water treatment plant then to the citizens. the other 25% comes from surface and groundwater such as these examples of are surface and ground water

Surface Water

* Pikes Peak Northern and Southern Slopes
* Cheyenne Creeks
* Fountain Creek
* Peakview Reservoir in Monument
* Northfield Watershed

Ground Water

* Arapahoe (4 wells)
* Denver (1 well)
* Laramie-Fox Hills (1 well)
* Widefield (4 wells

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

the active art post

water is a process in which water moves through earths cycle.Also in this water cycle dose not have an end it just keeps going and going.Well it starts as a puddle and then it evaporates it to the air and causes clouds and starts raining and when it hits the ground it is run off and ground water.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Q.what environmental effects dose the garbage patch have on earth.
A.well this is caused by the pollution of people into the sea or around the sea were the wind can blow the garbage into the ocean and makes this garbage patch larger every day.
Q.What conclusions did you come to? What do you recommend average citizens do to make a difference? Be specific. This is the main part of your assignment.
A.the convolution that I have come to is that if people don't pay attestation to the garbage patch then it will grow till there is no more ocean or Marine life.
Q.What would happen if, worst-case scenario, nobody listened to your recommendations?
A.If nobody listened to my recommendations then nothing about the garbage patch would change and the garbage will just keep piling up.
Q.What would happen if, best-case scenario, everybody listened to your recommendations?
A.If everyone listened then the garbage patch would start to slowly but shurly disappear but it would take a long time to get rid of this huge patch of garbage.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

penny project

In this project you put droplets of water on a penny until the water flowed over the penny.My guess was 34 but it ended up to be 39 so I was close.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Three gorges dam

As engineers the 3 Gorges Dam is a great example of many solutions to energy and ecosystem problems. the energy the 3 gorges dam produce can give energy to many people in the surrounding area. A hydraulic turbine converts the energy of flowing water into mechanical energy. A hydroelectric generator converts this mechanical energy into electricity. The Chang River is located in the heart of China and runs through the middle of it. It is also the longest river in China.

There are many local farms and a small cities. Many will have to evacuate in order to build this dam. It will help flooding problems and save many lives and agriculture. The vegetation is very green around the river with many small towns, cities, and farms. To see this flooding first hand makes us wonder if the Earth is going through global warming or climate changes. If flooding happens at the Chang River; it might be also happening around the world.

Also, the dam has been known to cause landslides, altering entire ecosystems, and other serious environmental issues. It has led to a particularly strong lake effect. And many waterborne diseases have increased. Because humanity has built this huge dam, it has become China's biggest potential environmental nightmare. But the Government officials have long defended the 24 billion dollar project is a major source of renewable power for the energy-hungry nation.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


1. Where do most of the earthquakes tend to happen?north America and Europe Asia.

2. Why do you think that is?I think this happening because the plates are shifting very rapidly.

3. What is this area called?North America plate and Eurasian plate.

4. Where is the earthquake closest to Manitou Springs? What are the details of this earthquake? Would people be able to feel this earthquake? About how much more ground shaking would occur for this magnitude earthquake compared to a magnitude 1 earthquake?The closest earthquake to Manitou springs is in Denver and people in Manitou would not be able to feel it, it would have to shake more for it to be a magnitude.

5. Choose one earthquake that has happened in the last seven days. You will be researching that earthquake. Tell me all about it. Are earthquakes common in this area? Include at least one picture, preferably of the earthquake, but if you can’t find one include one of the area. Thursday, January 15, 2009 at 02:23:40 AM there was an earthquake Eastern Sichuan, China this earthquake was a 5.0 this earthquake traveled a distance of 940 miles. Also earthquakes are common in this area. the depth of this earthquake was 16.1 miles.

6.How can people protect themselves from the dangers of earthquakes?To protect your selfe from earthquakes you should get out of any thing that will claps and stay away from roads.